申請去法國留學需要什么條件? , 申請法國留學有什么要求和費用

2023-02-09 10:02    來源:網絡        閱讀量:0

1st answer
? In recent years, more and more students plan to study in France, so what are the requirements for studying in France? Below I have compiled the information about the conditions for applying for studying in France, and I hope it will be helpful to you.
? Conditions for Applying for Studying in France
? Conditions for Studying in France - Educational Conditions
1. Have a high school diploma or above. Applicants with a university degree must not exceed the age of 28. College, bachelor degree or above, good English, can directly apply for master's or doctoral degree.
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? ? 2. 身體健康,無犯罪記錄。
3. a If you are registering for the first stage of D.E.U.G. in a French university, you need notarization of high school or undergraduate degree and grades.
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? ? b 如果是注冊法國大學第二或第三階段Licence,Maitrise,D.E.A., D.E.S.S.,Doctorat則需要有大學本科以上的學歷和成績公證。
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? ? 經濟條件
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? ? 1. 有能力提供人民幣70,000-100,000的銀行存款證明。
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? ? 2. 有能力支付赴法留學期間的所有費用生活費用每年4萬人民幣左右。 Language requirements Domestic students are required to learn 500 hours of French and take the eTEF or TCF exam organized by the French embassy. I remind: because the French public universities are all taught in French, only the business schools are taught in English, but they are all private.
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? ? 所以去法國留學要學習法語,到法國后再學一年至一年半的語言,通過語言考試后進入專業課學習。 But if the professional span is too large, it will be very difficult to apply for a visa and a university notice.
Application Procedures for Studying in France
The first step, applicants should first determine the major they want to study, so that they have a clear goal.
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? ? 第二步、通過專業機構了解法國大學及專業設定的情況。
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? ? 第三步、通過專業機構,準備并提交申請材料千萬別小看這一步,并不是所有的法語培訓機構都能幫你順利通過。
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? ? 第四步、開始學習法語。
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? ? 第五步、法國院校批準申請后,參加TEF或TCF考試和CELA面簽這是能否成功最關鍵的兩個部分。
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? ? 第六步、在上一步成功后,向法國大使館遞交簽證材料,待簽證通過后,即可啟程留學。
Time Planning for Studying Abroad in France
French universities generally have two start times a year, namely: January and February and September and October. Because French universities have limited places for Chinese students, it is best for domestic students to start school application work 4-5 months in advance. That is, apply in September and October for courses starting in January and February of the second year, and apply for courses starting in September and October in April and May. At the same time, due to school and visa requirements, students must also take 500 hours of French training in China, and take the French proficiency test TEF or TCF sponsored by the Cultural Department of the French Embassy in China.
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? ? 根據TEF和TCF考試時間的安排,2月、3月、7月、8月、9月通常是培訓班開課的高峰期。 Training generally takes 3-4 months for Manitoba immigration. Therefore, study abroad experts remind: students who intend to study in France should make preparations at least half a year in advance.
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? ? 出國留學網結合多年的辦理經驗提醒廣大學子和家長,在考慮赴法留學前,應在CampusFrance的確認和追蹤管理下,合理安排自己的申請規劃時間表,具體如下: < br>
From November to January of the following year, go to the Cultural Office of the French Embassy to collect the registration materials.
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? ? 2月份:法語測試在法國使館注冊第2和第3階段或高等專業學院,宜與相關法國高等院校聯絡。
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? ? 1月份:藝術專業領取錄取申請表。
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? ? 3月份起:其它科系專業領取錄取申請表所有層次的課程注冊。
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? ? 7月份起或9月份,視學?;蜻f交材料截至日期而定:得到最終答復。
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