
2023-02-10 19:00    來源:網絡        閱讀量:0

Conditions for studying in South Korea:

Those who are selected as exchange students according to the exchange agreement signed between Korean and Chinese universities and meet the following three conditions:

1. Study at a four-year university or graduate school for more than one semester (current students);

2. Obtain a standard admission letter issued by a Korean inviting university;

3. Have no illegal past Illegal records such as detention.


1. Visa application form, 1 photo, passport, copy of ID card;

2. Standard admission permit issued by Korean inviting universities

3. Proof of enrollment and grades;

4. Letter of recommendation from the president of the university;

5. A student exchange agreement signed between Korean and Chinese universities book (MOU).

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Extended information:

Visa processing process< /p>

1. Determine the consular district

2. Select the processing method

3. Prepare and submit the required materials for the visa

4. Inquire Visa Results

The visa application materials listed in this article are the materials required by the Korean consulates in China "in principle", but each consulate may require different visa materials, and some consulates require Make an appointment online first.

Therefore, before applying for a visa, be sure to consult the local competent consulate for details. For the addresses and websites of the consulates, see the [Consulate Details] section of this article.

Reference source: /baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%9F%A9%E5%9B%BD%E7%95%99%E5%AD%A6%E7%AD%BE %E8%AF%81%E5%8A%9E%E7%90%86%E6%8C%87%E5%8D%97/15878197"target="_blank"title="Only supported when one link is selected"> Baidu Encyclopedia-Korea Student Visa Application Guide

Reminder: The answer is recommended by netizens and is for reference only
1st answer
? 1. [Education requirements] Must have a high school education or above: Of course, the high school mentioned here includes graduates from technical secondary schools, vocational high schools, and technical schools in addition to ordinary high school graduates.
? ?
? ? 2、【畢業時間】距離最終畢業時間不要超過2年:如果距離最高學歷畢業時間超過2年的話,很多韓國高校在接受申請時時比較困難的,同時簽證也會面臨一定的It is risky, so if you choose to study in Korea, you must control it within 2 years. Of course, this does not include students who have already attended university.
? ?
? ? 3、【經濟狀況】有一定的經濟基礎:這里體現在兩個方面,1、父母有一個長期穩定的工作就意味著有一個長期穩定的收入來源,這樣可以為學生在Korean study and daily life provide an economic security. 2. Deposit certificate, a certain amount of bank deposits, in case the family is in financial difficulties, so as to ensure that the life and study of the students will not be affected in a short period of time. This answer was adopted by netizens


