
2023-02-12 12:05    來源:網絡        閱讀量:0

Hello, what materials do I need to prepare to apply for a visa to study in Japan?
1. The diploma certificate of the student's highest degree
2. The student's highest degree in school subjects
3. 200 hours of Japanese study certificate.
4. Japanese language proficiency certificate/examination certificate and relevant online registration payment vouchers (those who have taken the proficiency test but failed to produce results)
5. Enrollment letter (college format)
6. Resume Book (college format)
7. Self-introduction and study plan (college format)
8. Guarantee letter (college format)
9. Eight 4*5 color photos
10. One centimeter round A private seal.
Reminder: The answer is recommended by netizens and is for reference only
1st answer
? 1、 日本留學簽證材料之簽證申請表:
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? ?去往日本留學,北京地區的簽證申請表現在變得很任性。 You need to have a special Adobe Reader PDF reader to fill in; this is just one of them, after filling out without any problems, you may need to print. Of course, there are pitfalls in printing. It must be printed in the document, and you must not click the print in the document. Otherwise, after printing, the QR code will be very small and will not be displayed. Only after it is opened in the correct way, will the square QR code that meets the requirements be displayed.
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? ?2、日本留學簽證材料之戶口本首頁,及本人頁復印件:
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? ?北京地區對于戶口本是否更新過沒有嚴格的要求,也不會特別強調;去往Studying in Japan, I heard that the Shanghai area has a lot of requirements for the household registration book. First of all, the household registration book must be updated, and when applying for a visa, you must also show it to the person at the agency in person before the calculation is over.
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? ?3、 日本留學簽證材料之護照原件:
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? ?4、 日本留學簽證材料之畢業證書的復印件:
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? ?去往日本留學,簡單復印就好, the premise is your final education. If you are still studying when you apply for a visa, you can only issue a certificate of enrollment. In case of loss of graduation certificate, a certificate of loss of graduation certificate can be issued.
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? ?5、 日本留學簽證材料之4.5*4.5照片兩張:
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? ?2016年1月之后,北京地區的簽證照片要求甚為嚴格。 It must be square and square; if you want to study in Japan, other regions have not posted a clear notice so far, and a normal two-inch photo can be used. Of course, if you are worried, the most standard format is 4.5*4.5.
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? ?6、 日本留學簽證材料之留學調查表:
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? ?去往日本留學,此表格可以電子版打印,亦可以手寫。 However, the information to be filled in must be consistent with the submitted materials.
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? ?7、 日本留學簽證材料之教育部電子注冊備案表:
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? ?正常大學畢業的學生在學信網網站上都會有自己的畢業信息。 As long as you enter the information on your graduation certificate, the corresponding query results will appear, and you can print it normally; when I went to study in Japan, I have seen many students print it in color directly for the sake of caution. The embassy has no rigid requirements for photocopies, black and white photocopies are enough, saving money, worry and time.
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? ?8、 日本留學簽證材料之學費支付者的在職證明書:
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? ?去往日本留學,家長作為你留學的擔保人,在制作在留材料的過程中,可能已經Made it. If you are a baby of Weilan, I believe that your copywriting teacher has already given you the necessary guidance as early as the beginning of opening the materials. At this time, you only need to take them out and use them. As proof of employment, it must first reflect the personal information of the fund payer, the time of entry and the position held.
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? ?9、有長期留學的特有材料,簡單復印,這個應該沒有任何異議。
2nd answer

A must-see for studying in Japan, these materials must be remembered!

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